1. Do you offer bundles for your designs? Will you make a drive?
● At this time, I only offer premade bundles. I have no future plans for monthly or yearly drives.

2. How much is it for business branding?
● Please see my business branding collection for pricing info: https://sublimedigitalco.com/collections/business-branding

3. Do you offer shirts with your designs or sublimation transfers?
● I do not, but please see my "Shop Small" section in the Facebook group to find shops that carry my designs.

4. When will "insert design set here" be available on the website?
● If you cannot find a specific design on the website, please refer to the album for the design you are looking for. In the album title there will be a drop date for when the designs will be available.

5. Can you design a custom design or exclusive design for me?
● Absolutely! Customs are my favorite. This option may not always be available, but please shoot me a PM and as long as things are not too busy, I am always open to custom/exclusive designs. Please note that I am a stay-at-home mama. My hours may vary. Sometimes I sometimes forget to reply to PMs. I have three kiddos with another on the way. I mainly work during nap time & bedtime. If you send me a PM I will do my best to reply within 48hrs - if I do not reply by then please don't be afraid to message me again to make sure I saw your message. My brain = apple mush most days.